US-iC100 “iCount” Heavy Duty Army Counting Scale 100 lb x 1g
USA Measurements Army “iCount” scales are designed to precisely count pieces to take out the guessing work and human error. Our scales are designed with 150% capacity overload protection for…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-iC12 “iCount” Heavy Duty Army Counting Scale 12 lb x .02g
USA Measurements Army “iCount” scales are designed to precisely count pieces to take out the guessing work and human error. Our scales are designed with 150% capacity overload protection for…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-iC30 “iCount” Heavy Duty Army Counting Scale 33 lb x 0.2g
USA Measurements Army “iCount” scales are designed to precisely count pieces to take out the guessing work and human error. Our scales are designed with 150% capacity overload protection for…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-iC60 “iCount” Heavy Duty Army Counting Scale 66 lb x 0.5g
USA Measurements Army “iCount” scales are designed to precisely count pieces to take out the guessing work and human error. Our scales are designed with 150% capacity overload protection for…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-LS150 “Little Shipper” Postal Scale NTEP
USA Measurements “Little Shipper” US-LS150 postal scale. Great for use with UPS stores, FedEx shipping, Post office, weighing boxes, small items, and NTEP requirements. The scale is built with a…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-LS30 “Little Shipper” Postal Scale NTEP
USA Measurements “Little Shipper” US-LS30 postal scale. Great for use with UPS stores, FedEx shipping, Post office, weighing boxes, small items, and NTEP requirements. The scale is built with a…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-LS60 “Little Shipper” Postal Scale NTEP
USA Measurements “Little Shipper” US-LS60 postal scale. Great for use with UPS stores, FedEx shipping, Post office, weighing boxes, small items, and NTEP requirements. The scale is built with a…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-PC12 “The Pricer” Price Computing Scale 15 lb x .005 lb
USA Measurements “The Pricer” food scale and price computing scale. Our US-PC is designed for buying and selling produce, meat, fruit, and other items. This can be used at farmers…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-PC12 “The Pricer” Price Computing Scale 6 lb x 0.002 lb
USA Measurements “The Pricer” food scale and price computing scale. Our US-PC is designed for buying and selling produce, meat, fruit, and other items. This can be used at farmers…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-PC30 “The Pricer” Price Computing Scale 30 lb x .01 lb
USA Measurements “The Pricer” food scale and price computing scale. Our US-PC is designed for buying and selling produce, meat, fruit, and other items. This can be used at farmers…
Brands: USAMeasurements -
US-PC60 “The Pricer” Price Computing Scale 60 lb x .02 lb
USA Measurements “The Pricer” food scale and price computing scale. Our US-PC is designed for buying and selling produce, meat, fruit, and other items. This can be used at farmers…
Brands: USAMeasurements