ML4039D 4-Channel | 28 GBaud PAM4 & NRZ | 200G BERT

4 x 28 GBd NRZ/PAM4 BERT | SSPRQ, PRBS13Q & PRBS31Q TX | FEC Estimation KR4/KP4 & SER |
TX and RX Equalizers | Signal SNR and Histogram|

pdf ML4039D-Datasheet-rev1.20

pdf TB_User_Guide_rev1.1.0

pdf TB_Programmers_Guide_v1.4.0

SKU: ML4039D Category:

8x MLCBPM-2.92-60 cable selected by default.Please deselect if you do not want a quote for the 8x MLCBPM-2.92-60.

Recommended Phase matched cable pairs. 2.92 mm connector 2x8 channel 60 cm


ML4039D 4-Channel | 28 GBaud PAM4 & NRZ | 200G BERT

The ML4039D is a fully featured 200G BERT that can be configured as a 4-channel PAM4 28 GBaud or 4-channel NRZ 28 Gbps lanes.

The receivers support FEC decoding (KS4, KR4 and KP4) and will return the post-FEC BER per channel as well as MSB and LSB BERs within the stream. The receivers also show the eye’s Histogram and the channel’s SNR over time.

The transmitters Support all standard test patterns mandated by IEEE and OIF such as PRBS13Q, SSPRQ and PRBS31Q.
The user may also program the TX to output a user-defined pattern up to 32 kb long.

The transmit power is adequate for testing up to 10 Km SMF links.

With the accelerated growth of hyperscale datacenters, the performance demands on Ethernet network infrastructure is increasing exponentially, and customer expectations for high-speed data throughput is at an all-time high. As a result, Bit Error Rate Testers (BERT) have become a cornerstone for physical layer testing, from qualifying fiber optic and copper-wire digital data transmission lines to testing signal integrity.
A BERT generates a sequence of bits through a communication channel and the received bits are then compared against the transmitted bits. A Bit Error Ratio (BER) evaluates the full end-to-end performance of a connectivity system and assures communication reliability.
The ML4039D is a 200G, 4-channel, 28 GBaud PAM4 & NRZ BERT, ideal for the testing of transceivers.

Additional information

Dimensions 8.84 × 22.45 × 30.33 cm