508-2C / 2-Ch, 6 Amp Current Generators w/ Resistance Measurement

Model 508 most capable current generator, the 508 series provides users with the ability to generate highly precise current pulses, making this unit ideal for applications that require a high level of accuracy and repeatability. Advanced safety features provide user assurance.


    508 datasheet

SKU: 508-2C Category:



MODEL 508-2C / 2-Ch, 6 Amp Current Generators w/ Resistance Measurement

MODEL 508-2C  most capable current generator provides users with the ability to generate highly precise current pulses, making this unit ideal for applications that require a high level of accuracy and repeatability. Advanced safety features provide user assurance.

The Model 508 is designed for airbag and pyrotechnic initiator testing and represents the latest in current pulse generating capabilities with compelling features that provide users with time-saving characteristics of adjustability, simple operation and programmability.

The 508 comes in a 19” 2U form factor as a 2 or 4 channel model with current sensing and resistance measurement capabilities. This unit is ideal for applications that require a high level of accuracy and repeatability.

The 508 also comes with advanced safety and testing capabilities that include remote interlock, pre and post measurements and keyed enable switch so the unit fires only when all safety criteria are met. High functionality, safety and a rapid return-on-investment are the hallmarks of this new fireset for pyrotechnic initiators. The Model 508 provides multiple firing channels: all-fire, no-fire, resistance measurement, DC current, capacitor discharge, Bruceton, Neyer, and high current.

The performance and advanced features of the 508 current pulse generator make it ideal for applications such as air bag deployment testing (squib detonation) or igniter deployment that can be done reliably, safely and with repeatability.

Applications such as air bag deployment testing (squib detonation), igniter triggering or ballistics work can be done reliably, safely and with a high level of repeatability.

Additional information

Dimensions 25.4 × 48.26 × 8.89 cm


  • 200 ns Timing Steps
  • 6 amps per Channel
  • 2 or 4 Channel Outputs
  • Benchtop or Rack Mount Design
  • Easy Programming Interface
  • TTL Sync output to T0
  • Safety Interlock


  • Integrated 4-wire resistance measurement for each channel with pre and post testing features. Ability to set the mean and upper/ lower limits to determine what construes a resistance fault
  • Current and voltage monitor outputs.
  • Front and rear sync outputs.
  • Safety features including remote interlock and removable keyed enable switch.
  • RS232, USB, and Ethernet* computer programming interfaces (* Ethernet is an upgrade option)


Output Modules 2 Output Channels4 Output Channels
Input Module Front and Rear Trigger


Rate 0.01Hz to 100 KHz
Resolution 100 ns
Accuracy 20 ns
Jitter 10 ns RMS
Burst Mode 1 to 250 pulses
Output Modes Single Pulse, Burst
Control Modes Internal Rate Generator, External Trigger


Function Generate individual pulses (single shot or burst)
Front or Rear Selectable between front or rear panel inputs
Rate DC to 1/(330ns+Longest active pulse)
Insertion Delay 330 ns
Jitter 10ns
Impedance 1K
Slope Rising or Falling
Trigger Filter Filters out unwanted “glitch” or “runt” pulses
Range 0.02 us to 1 ms
Resolution 0.02 us
Trigger Level 2-15V
Level Threshold Resolution 100mV


Amplitude 0.10 – 6A
Resolution 1mA
Accuracy 2mA Typical
Compliance Voltage Level 20V
Slew Rates
Rising Edge – Inductive (Varies with Load) 2A/ us @ 6A1A/ us @ 3A

0.30A/ us @1A<

(1 ohm and 50′ cable)

Falling Edge – Inductive (Varies with Load) -1.60A/ us @6A-0.90A/ us @3A

-0.30A/ us @1A

(1 ohm and 50′ cable)

Rising Edge – Resistive (Varies with Load) 6.3A/ us @6A9.5A/ us @3A

2.2A/ us @1A

(1 ohm & 2″ cable)

Falling Edge – Resisitive (Varies with Load) -5.2A/ us @6A-4.0A/ us @3A

-1.3A/ us @1A

(1 ohm & 2″ cable)


Rising Edge – Inductive (Varies with Load) 4us (1 ohm, 50′ cable, 6A)
Rising Edge – Resisitve (Varies with Load) 550ns (1ohm, 2″ cable, 6A)
Pulse Witdh Range 5us – 100s*
Error +/-0.1%
Resolution 100 ns
Delay Range 0-1s
Error +/-0.1%
Resolution 100ns


Voltage Monitor (Isolated) 1V/ V
Current Monitor 1V/A
Error < 4%
Bandwidth 150KHz


Range 0.1 to 150 Ohms
Resolution .01 Ohms
Error .5 to 15 Ohms < 4%
Error 16 ro 150 Ohms < 10 %
Measurement Current 100mA Max.


Front and Rear
T0, Channels A through D


Remote Interlock Shorting interlock
Arming Key Switch Removable keyswitch


RS232 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800 baud
USB Serial Bridge


19″ 2Ux10″ Rack Mount


100/240V, 50-60Hz