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Availability: Out of stock SKU: 1504 Category: Tag:



  • Four channel NRZ Pulse Pattern Generator and Error Detector
  • Wide operating range between 1 to 15 Gb/s and beyond
  • Typical JRMS of 1 ps and JPP of 7 ps
  • PRBS patterns of 2^7, 9, 15, 23, 31 and 58 and error insertion
  • Non-destructive eye monitor for ≥ 5 Gb/s operation
  • Adjustable internal clock synthesizer with PPM offset control
  • Adjustable clock output frequency and amplitude
  • External clock input to synchronize parallel test systems
  • Adjustable 25 to 1500 mV PPDIFF output with squelch
  • Adjustable Pre and Post cursor emphasis control
  • TX and RX polarity inversion
  • Loss of signal indicator
  • 64 bit programmable fixed pattern
  • USB 0 controlled with API command set or GUI software
  • Stand alone configuration options available (consult the factory)
  • Small footprint size of 216w x 51h x 127d mm
  • Integrated cooling fan
  • 1 year warranty


Ebert 1504 is a high performance, flexible and cost effective four channel Pulse Pattern Generator (PPG) and Error Detector (ED) that can operate from 1 to 15 Gb/s (consult factory for higher or lower operation). It is capable of generating a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence (PRBS) or a user defined 64 bit fixed pattern to test signal integrity of digital communication system links. PRBS patterns of 2^7, 9, 15, 23, 31 and 58 are supported. It is a standalone Bit Error Rate (BER) test solution that incorporates an internal full rate clock synthesizer therefore avoiding the expense of an external precision clock source.

Its small size allows it to be placed close to the Device Under Test (DUT) or further away using the TX driver pre and post emphasis controls features to compensate for cable and interconnect losses. It also has a non destructive integrated eye outline capture feature along with a quick eye height and width measurement capability.

It incorporates internal AC coupling capacitors on all ports to avoid CML bias issues and to protect the equipment along with the DUT. The PPG TX output has typical JPP of ~7 ps and JRMS of ~1 ps along with an adjustable range of 25 to 1500 mV PPDIFF providing a wide test range that could include crosstalk measurements. Other features include squelch, polarity inversion, loss of signal and error insertion.

The system is controlled through a USB 2.0 compliant port and supplied GUI to evaluate the performance of the system. An API command set is used for ease of integration into existing factory software automation control. The GUI includes a API tab so you can easily view the command architecture.

The 1504 accessories include: AC power cord, power supply, USB cable,

GUI software and user manual.

Optional features: Tilt bar, custom power up configuration for standalone operation, parallel I/O control, dipswitch control, LED status diagnostics, individual PPG or ED configurations, face plate for 19 inch rack attachment, loopback cables or adding attenuators to the ED to adjust sensitivity.


Ebert 1504 PPG and ED is a standalone test system or can be used in conjunction with other high speed test equipment for additional testing capability.  Its capability to measure every bit of the incoming pattern is used as a tool to measure reliability and performance of communication links to determine BER over time or by changing parameters of the link. The PPG can be used by itself with a high bandwidth oscilloscope to measure a DUT’s performance looking for common attributes associated with digital eye diagrams such as jitter. The ED can be used by itself as a receiver in a communication link to monitor the incoming pattern to determine the performance of a system where the source is physically located off-site.

It has the capability of locking the synthesizer to an external clock source for use with other external test equipment or to run multiple 1504 systems in parallel to expand to higher port counts. The system has a PPM offset control feature to system tolerances or to adjust its aging over time.

The high fidelity performance also lends itself for testing in non- retimed links where the source needs to have low intrinsic jitter so it can be determined how much the DUT is contributing to the system link test. The ED has high sensitivity for applications that need this requirement or the use of external attenuators can be used to move the sensitivity to higher levels. Contact the factory if you would like to have the ED sensitivity changed to a higher level using a custom part number.

The eye capture feature also can give insight to the quality of the incoming digital signal such as eye width and shape It’s not intended to replace a high speed scope, but can give you information about the eye symmetry and crossing width as the ED incorporates a limiting amplifier for increased sensitivity.

The 1504 was designed to characterize high speed digital links during the engineering, manufacturing or installation phases of a project. Such applications could include the testing of IC’s, optical components, transceivers, copper cables, back planes and interconnects. The 1504 can be used for compliance testing of Ethernet, Fiber Channel, Infiniband, PCIE, SONET and proprietary link standards.

Absolute  Maximum Ratings Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Storage Temperature Ts -20 70 °C
AC Voltage Range VAC 90 246 VAC
AC Voltage  Frequency Range VFREQ 47 63 Hz
Data RF and Clock Voltage Output VOUT -0.5 1.4 V
Data RF Voltage Input VinData -0.5 1.8 V
Clock In Voltage Input VinClk 0 1.2 V
USB  Pin Voltage VinUSB -0.3 5.5 V
RF and Clock ESD HBM RFesdH -1000 1000 V
RF and Clock ESD CDM RFesdC -250 250 V
RF,  Clock and USB Latchup Vl -100 100 mA
USB ESD HBM USBesdH -2000 2000 V
USB ESD CDM USBesdC -500 500 V
Electrical Characteristics Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Case Temperature Tc 5 45 °C
AC Supply Current Icc 0.75 100 mA
Baud Rate (NRZ format) BR 1 15 Gb/s (Note 1)
Baud Rate Setpoint  Accuracy BRa -10 +10 PPM (Note 2)
Baud Rate PPM Offset BRo -999 999 PPM 1 PPM step size
Power On Initialization Time Ton 15 Seconds
Eye Phase Steps EMp 64 Steps 2 pS per unit
Eye Amplitude Steps EMv 128 Steps 7.8 mV per unit
Fixed Pattern Length PL 64 Bits
Note 1: Contact Factory for higher and lower operation
Note 2:   Aging, Temperature and Voltage
TX Electrical Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
CML  Output  (Single Ended) VoutSE 0 750 mVpp AC Coupled
CML  Output (Differential) VoutDIFF 0 1500 mVpp AC Coupled
CML Output (Differential) Step Size VoutSS 25 mVpp
CML Output  (Differential) Squelch VoutSqu 0 30 mVpp
CML Output  (Rise/Fall Time) tR, tF 20 ps 20-80%
Output  Impedance (differential) Zout 100 Ω
Termination Mismatch TZm 5 % At 1 MHz
AC common mode voltage TACcm 15 mVRMS
Differential  Return Loss SDD22 -8 dB .01 to 10 GHz
(Note 3) dB 10 to 15 GHz
Common Mode  Return Loss SCD22 -6 dB .1 to 10 GHz
(Note 4) dB 10 to 15 GHz
Transmitter Qsq Tqsq 50
Jitter (RMS) TJrms 1.5 ps (Note 5)
Jitter (PK-PK) TJpp 8 ps (Note 5)
Pre-Emphasis Control TPE 17 dB at 500 mVPPDIFF
De-Emphasis  Control TDE 17 dB at 500 mVPPDIFF
Note 3: -8 dB + 16.6 dB/dec*log10(f/10 GHz)
Note 4: -6 dB + 16.6 dB/dec*log10(f/10 GHz)
Note 5: Agilent DCA-X with 50 GHz plug-in, 23-1 PRBS pattern and 500 waveforms using a precision time base trigger
RX Electrical Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Baud Rate Tolerance BRt -100 +100 PPM
CML Input Voltage (Single Ended) VinSE 100 800 mVpp AC Coupled
CML Input Voltage (Differential) VinDIFF 100 1600 mVpp AC Coupled
Input Impedance (Differential) Zin 100 Ω
Termination  Mismatch RZm 5 % At 1 MHz
AC common mode voltage RACcm 25 mVRMS
Differential Return Loss SDD11 -12 dB .01 to 2 GHz
-8 dB 2 to 10 GHz
(Note 3) dB 10 to 15 GHz
Common Mode Return Loss SCD11 -6 dB .1 to 10 GHz
(Note 4) dB 10 to 15 GHz
CDR Acquisition Lock Time 300 mS
Clock – Input Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Frequency CFin 156,248,438 156,250,000 156,251,562 Hz Square wave
Single Ended Voltage Swing CVpp 0.4 1.2 V
Input Impedance CRin 49.5 50 50.5 Ohm AC coupled
Rise/Fall Time CitR, CitF 1 nS 20%-80%
Duty Cycle CDC 40 60 % <1nS Tr/Tf
Random Jitter (RMS) CRj 1 ps 12 kHz–20 MHz
Clock – Output Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Programmable Divider of Line Rate CPDLR 2 64 /N Factors of 2
Single Ended Voltage Swing CVoutSE 0 800 mVp AC coupled
Squelch Voltage Output CVsquelch 30 mVp
Termination  Mismatch CZm 0 5 % At 1 MHz
Rise/Fall Time COtR, COtF 20 ps 20-80%
Ouptut Return Loss CS22 -8 dB
Jitter (RMS) CJrms 750 fs (Note 5)
Jitter (PK-PK) CJpp 3.5 ps (Note 5)
Note 5: Using Agilent DCA-X with 50 GHz plug-in. 500 waveforms using a precision time base trigger
Note 6: Terminate clock output if not used