LSA-200A Single-Channel Laser Scan Analyzer 1250~1650 nm

  • Passive fiber-optic component characterization
  • Optical parameter measurement
  • Production line automation
  • Optical filter inspection

pdf  LSA-100-200

SKU: LSA-200A Category:

Internal-External options

R50-R200 options

Internal-External options

R50-R200 options


LSA-200A Single-Channel Laser Scan Analyzer 1250~1650 nm

GouMax single-channel Laser Scan Analyzer (LSA-200A) product is a multi-function power meter module. It is called “Laser Scan Analyzer” because LSA-200A module is usually used in various applications to measure powers in conjunction with laser scanning/sweeping. It consists of high-speed power meters used to measure powers with synchronized high-speed laser sweeping. To provide wavelength reference, LSA-200A provides wavelength measurement for sweeping laser. Specifically, LSA-200A module can provide the following functions:

  • It can be simply used as a normal power meter to measure static laser output power
  • It measures power of high-speed sweeping laser
  • It measures wavelength of sweeping laser and provides wavelength reference
  • It provides power reference for relative power measurements

Key Features

  • High-speed scan 1×1 test channel (One channel)
  • Built-in wavelength reference
  • Can provide wavelength reference to LSA-200B modules
  • Real-time power reference
  • 70 dB dynamic range detection
  • Can use interlnal PD or external PD
Key Applications

  • Passive fiber-optic component characterization
  • Optical parameter measurement
  • Production line automation
  • Optical filter inspection




Typical Specifications

Full-band LSA-200A modules support wavelength range from 1250 nm to 1650 nm. R50 model is used for both DWDM and CWDM applications. R200 model is suitable for CWDM measurements.

Item Unit R50 R200
Wavelength Range nm 1250~1650 1250~1650
Wavelength Accuracy pm ± 8 ± 50
Wavelength Repeatability pm 4 10
Measurement Dynamic Range dB 60 60
Power Uncertainty dB ± 0.05 ± 0.05
Power Resolution dB 0.005 0.005
Power Repeatability dB ± 0.04 ± 0.04
Noise Floor (Internal PD) dBm -65 -65
Noise Floor (External PD) dBm -55 -55